Since we’re each unique in our experience of and response to pain, it’s not surprising that some people feel more discomfort than others. There’s a lot going on in your body when letdown happens. What causes painful letdown and can it be treated? Researchers aren’t sure why this happens, but it may be due to the release of oxytocin. An adjustment in your baby’s sucking rhythm as they change from short, quick sucks to longer paced-out sucks when the milk flows and they start to swallow.Keep breast pads handy because letdown usually happens simultaneously in both breasts. Others feel letdown during each feed throughout breastfeeding. Some moms feel this only in the early days of breastfeeding and then the feeling fades. And, yes, it can be disconcertingly intense and even painful. A tingling sensation sort of like pins-and-needles.Like everything in our bodies, there isn’t an exact timetable or expectation to follow. Some feel it only after a couple of minutes. Some moms feel the letdown reflex seconds after their baby begins to suck. Your milk actually lets down several times during one feeding session, but you’ll probably only feel the first time.